Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 10 (Final Week)- End of Life
Preparation for Death
        So much about death is intriguing to think about, but can also be a little nerve-wracking.  For the past several months, I have been contemplating on creating a living will. I have yet to start the first sentence.  I still cannot decide on whether or not I would rather be buried or cremated.  All I know is I want to be remembered years to come. I know it may seem silly, but I want what I do on this Earth to make a difference in the world, for others, and in a positive way.  
            Having a medical durable power of attorney, a legal document that appoints a healthcare agent to carry out your end-of-life wishes, is probably a good thing to have.  Maybe I should start there.  I don't think it's important for me right now to choose how I want to be made obsolete, but rather what I would like to happen if I am ill enough to not speak for myself.  At this moment, I would choose my husband.  I put absolute trust in him knowing what I would want. He is very much like me, and is one of the most level-headed people Ive ever met that understands death more than most.  

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